Less slump, more effort.

....because I realize that anxiety doesn't actually burn calories.

After being knocked on my ass last week with a cold, I was bummed to not be able to spend time on my mat at the yoga studio all week (and didn’t want to spread my germs in a hot room…yuck). Today was a very long workday, and I really just wanted to go home and straight to my pajamas. Alas, I sucked it up and went to a 5:30 hot flow class. As usual, the hardest part of staying fit and keeping a routine is simply showing up. It might still be tough once you get there, but getting there can be half the battle.

This was the first class I took from a friend from back in the day who started teaching recently. It kicked. My. Ass. In such a good way, of course. I told her before class that I was really in a “watch-Bridget-Jones’s-Diary-and-drink-wine” kind of mood, but needed yoga in my life more than I needed to sit around and feel slumpy. She said that I’d feel differently after class, and I totally do. Of course I do. Geez, I’ve gotten so far out of my routine! Like I said, I’m slowly getting back on track. Perhaps at a glacial speed, but still. Feels great.

I love yoga for so many reasons, one of which is that I can make any class personalized to me. Push as hard as I want, take it easy as much as my body tells me. But it’s so important to actually do the work in class, not sell myself short, get out of it everything I can, then collapse into a beautiful long savasana and let the cold lavender towel finally touch my face at the end of class…..best!


I’m so glad I made myself show up. Extra plus: I caught up with one of the strongest, most lovely women I know, and fed off of her energy all throughout class. It was great to have such a dear friend practice on the mat next to me. And my teacher was right…now I don’t feel like being slumpy. But I may still watch Bridget Jones……. ah well, balance, right?

Moral of the story: Show up. Do the work. Reap the rewards!

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