Spaaaahhh Monday

I think I’ve started a new weekly trend. Mondays have been rough for me this summer, but for the last few weeks I’ve had something great happening every Monday night after work! I’ve had such fun weekends that Mondays have been a little hard to face, to be honest. It makes things easier to be able to look forward to something fun after a long day back at the grind.

Even though I wore my happy face this morning (and country-girl threads), it was very hard to roll out of bed this morning and force myself to get it together for the workday. Enter: 3 layers of mascara.


Today’s festivities involved me finally using a spa gift card that one of my besties gave me for my birthday back in May. I cut out of work a little early (I did work some Sunday morning, to make up for it), let the dogs play for a little while, and headed downtown!


You guys, this was hands down the best massage of my life. I love a good, hard massage that makes you sore the next day. I’ve been to River Falls Spa several times, but this masseuse was THE. BEST. She had such strong hands, used hot stones, and even walked on my back. Amazing. I did a lot of yoga, biking, swimming, and a little running over the weekend, so today was the perfect time for this.


River Falls Spa is really nice. It’s super clean, professional, calming, an oasis downtown. They even offer complimentary champagne (my choice today), mimosas, or wine when you arrive. I got there about 45 minutes early and spent some time in the steam room and awesome spa shower. It was so relaxing and the perfect prep for my perfect massage.


Afterward, I was so relaxed that I walked and eventually lounged around on a swing downtown. The temp dropped a little, and it was breezy in the shade. So nice after a few sweltering days. In a city so familiar to me (I was born and raised in G’ville), it’s always surprising when I have nights like these. Feeling a connection to the city, the river, the architecture, the strangers’ faces smiling at me as I stroll by. Tonight felt like a date with myself, and I felt content and happy and fulfilled with my life. I’m sure the champagne and deep tissue massage helped bring out some of those feelings, as well.

When I felt like moving again, since I was on a date with me, I treated myself to a little salad and sashimi before heading back home to my pajamas and dog loves.

wpid-20140728_195708.jpgUnfortunately, Lily didn’t have such a relaxing evening. This is the second time I’ve come across this scene in the past 4 days. Those pink things in the floor are Benadryl pills….. Don’t worry — she doesn’t eat them. She just likes to toss them about the apartment and furniture. How the eff does she get to this stuff, in the middle of the kitchen island? Lessons learned. Lessons learned.

Oh well. A blip in an otherwise lovely afternoon with myself and my city. Greenville really is a lovely town. I guess it took me going away for a while to recognize how much it does have to offer. That’s the way things go, I suppose. Hard to see what’s in front of you until it’s not anymore.

Right now I have a glass of red wine and the second half of one of my fave movies in front of me. Cheers to another wonderful day! Hope your Monday was as great as mine (you know, minus the dog destruction). Until next time! xo

Just a few things I’m loving lately

Why hello there! I’ve had a lot of grateful and happy thoughts floating around in my brain all day about just a few things that I am in love with lately…thought I’d share.

  • Weekends. If you can’t tell, I’ve kind of been living for them lately. Not the best way to live, I suppose, but it is what it is for now.
  • In a steamy yoga class when it get so humid my fingers get wrinkly.
  • My friends. I have so many wonderful friends.
  • Lavender Aveeno body wash….. it makes me never want to get out of the shower. Also great for bubble baths!
  • Malbecs.
  • Summer wavy hair. I’ve been leaving the house these days with half wet, half dry hair. Easy breezy.
  • Long days downtown.
  • Beards.
  • Bikram. I teach a similar series, but have been doing flow for the last year. Seems like when it got hotter, my body naturally started to crave those familiar 26 postures and the 105 degree room.
  • This album….. can’t get enough. I’ve loved hearing him over the years with Gorillaz and Blur. I heard about this album on NPR and never looked back.
  • The notion of timing. Sometimes things are all about timing.
  • Gyros. I had a great one this week unexpectedly.
  • Long walks with the puppies.
  • Brunch. I wish I could have brunch every day, rather than breakfast and lunch. Plus, there’s always the prospect of bloody marys…..yum.
  • My body. As I’ve aged, I’ve definitely gotten more confident in myself and loved myself more. Very important things.
  • Naps. I took the most delicious nap today. It was the perfect mid-Saturday activity.
  • Billie Holiday.
  • My apartment. It’s small and modest and temporary, but it’s my own space.
  • Ice water. Normally I’m a room temperature gal. But perhaps all the hot yoga has inspired all the iced water.
  • Dresses. All day every day.

It’s been a great summer. So many things, people, activities that have made me happy, helped me grow, heal, learn, and appreciate my life. Sometimes it’s these little things that float around in my head and make me aware of how great life is…even if the story isn’t always an easy one.