“Freedom Friday!…but still on a Tuesday.”

You are correct. That is from “The Lego Movie.”

Good morning, and welcome to day 2 of our workweek. Yesterday was like:


I know we all have those days. I’m just grateful I survived emotionally unscathed, and that it’s another day. I’ve always thought that the bad days make the good ones seem that much better!

I rounded out a really long and hard day with yoga. It’s been years since I’ve taken a beginner yoga class, or a non-heated class. Slowing down the pace and not having the heat as a distraction (e.g. Eff, it’s hot in here. Can we get some fresh air? Holy crap what’s she got the temp set to?) was actually a really nice change.

I was able to focus on my body, breath, and the sequence, and didn’t leave feeling drained. Just what I needed!

Today will be awesome because I get to see my little chunk of a niece!


I’ve also started off the day on a great foot (pun intended). it was a muggy 6 a.m. run, but I did it! I’m worried less about my pace, and can already tell that I’m getting stronger.


There are several hills on this 3 mile course that I normally run. Usually I have to slow down after the first little hill, or come to a stop, but today I made up the big hill without stopping. It was a good feeling, and was very encouraging.

Well, cheers to Tuesday! Go out there and create a good day.

Weekend Recap / Welcome Monday!

Hello, and holy crap it’s Monday again. Hope your weekend didn’t fly by as fast as mine did.It was a busy few days off for me. Time with family, friends, and doing fun things. Saturday my legs were still uber sore from running, yoga, and cycling last week. My original training plan was 20 weeks long, but I added 2 weeks on to give my body time to acclamate, and to make sure the training ended exactly on the date of the half.
I give you this backstory because I decided to let my legs have a rest this weekend and just have a couple of days off. I was still active — some biking, walking, and a (tiny bit of) cardio activity during a human foosball game I played Sunday afternoon. I also ate delish food, but tried to be good. This includes this yummy charcuterie I made Friday night before we went out:
 Saturday started out superbly, with my first visit of the season (FINALLY!) to the Saturday Market, my fave.
We took an empty backpack to fill with delish local produce and such, but only ended up leaving with a baguette, which we enjoyed during the leisurely stroll up and down Main Street. I always love the Saturday market, and look forward to making a list this week to pair with recipes and food prep for next week. Also, how is it not tomato season yet?! It’s June! Ready to see those yummy purple and green heirlooms and fat, juicy red tomatoes on my plate.
The Market was followed by lots o’ walking in the West End, for the yearly West End festival. It was a neat little gathering of local artists, food demonstrations, restaurants, and vendors from the West End. And of course, this allowed for drinking in the street. Always fun to take in the local fests with a cold beer in hand.
To be 100% honest with you, I’d planned on doing 3 miles Sunday morning, then this happened:
I felt guilty for about 10 seconds, then decided to enjoy a rare lazy Sunday morning in bed for an extra 30 minutes. With my fave oh-so-good-for-me food for brunch. It was actually exactly what I needed.
On to a new day, which is already off to a great start. On my way to yoga in my car at 5:15 AM, I was wondering why the hell I’m still waking up at the ass crack of dawn to teach yoga, nearly 4 years in. But my students were awesome, positive, and always make waking up before the sun worth it. Leaving class I felt grateful to have the opportunity to share yoga and help people feel good.

Some of my goals for today:
  • Stay positive.
  • Clean out work inbox and kick ass professionally.
  • Treat others with kindness, even if they suck.
  • Do not get sucked into an Instagram and/or Facebook wormhole at any point. (e.g. Stay focused and productive until bedtime!)
  • Don’t eat pizza.
  • Do stay hydrated.
  • Yoga after work.
  • Sunday food prep on Monday.
  • Solid night’s sleep.
Alright, time to finish my much-healthier-for-me-than-cold-pizza oatmeal breakfast and start marking things off of my goal list. Cheers to another week! Hope your Monday is already off to a great start, too.